Playfull The ritual of play. The un abashed joy and delight in tumbling, rolling, fumbling through the motions of the body. A de-LIGHT full sense of wonder and magick is necessary when engaging in this most sacred of rituals. Like many rituals it is one that we share with our animal kin. In child hood all beings play and in fact all beings SHOULD play. It is one of the most important activity’s that we can engage in strengthening the mind, the body and the heart. Play feels good, in every part of your being. When we play we develop physical strength but we also create a spiritual strength, establishing a relationship between Ourselves, our play partner and the Earth that holds us. We create very important personal boundaries and learn about sensual and friendly touch. Play comes easy to the child, and quite often as adults we forget to engage with the spirit of the child and we begin to find ourselves surrounded with other adults that have also forgotten how to play. We become attac