
The ritual of play.
The un abashed joy and delight in tumbling, rolling, fumbling through the motions of the body.
A de-LIGHT full sense of wonder and magick is necessary when engaging in this most sacred of rituals.
Like many rituals it is one that we share with our animal kin.
In child hood all beings play and in fact all beings SHOULD play.
It is one of the most important activity’s that we can engage in strengthening the mind, the body and the heart.
Play feels good, in every part of your being.
When we play we develop physical strength but we also create a spiritual strength, establishing a relationship between
Ourselves, our play partner and the Earth that holds us.
We create very important personal boundaries and learn about sensual and friendly touch.
Play comes easy to the child, and quite often as adults we forget to engage with the spirit of the child and we begin to find ourselves surrounded with other adults that have also forgotten how to play.
We become attached to our adult rolls, the care taker, and the provider.
As adults we must remind each other to connect with our basic instincts, to see with child’s eyes and once again experience the joy of Play.

She is the un-satiable desire for the un-known, the fire of self knowledge and determination are what drive her to search and find all that may be hidden from her.
She leaves no stone un tumbled and no leaf un turned, knowing with a deep and un fettered sense of self that there is a greater pool of knowledge that every being may drink from.
It is our Earth Right.
We are of her, of our mother Earth, this great expanse of life that unfolds in front of us in every moment of our lives IS us.
We are the inner self, the un tangible magick that creates this delicious fractal we call a body.
We can know ourselves in every moment, just being in every moment is knowing ourselves in the truest form.
When we are un bound by the distractions of material and earthly pleasures there is a shift in the light and we are no longer veiled by shadows of self doubt but flying free in the golden shine of self knowledge.

Like a living breathing creature dreams arise in the deepest and darkest of spaces, breaking through the boundaries of fear and irrational thought.
Our self imposed obstacles and distractions, that keep us from finding our true selves.
Confined in a world not of our own making we stifle the creative process and we temper our passions for fear
Of injuring those who have not yet found their own dreams.
In doing this we risk the death of the soul, the negation of ultimate manifestation of self, to reach ones highest aspirations.
But to dream you must first have a vision, but one can not truly see without the heart because the eyes have not yet realized the ascended self.

Delight in all that is.
Find space for quiet and reflection, letting all that may go to go and all that may come to come.
Hold onto nothing and feel whole.
You are not of your possessions for the world possesses you.
You can not HAVE life because you ARE life.
It is your heart beat, the blood through your veins, the breeze in your hair.
Watch the sun rise and feel your soul revive.
Lay in the grass and taste the divine in your senses.
Hear the world around you and know your own heart beats in one collective song.
You are all that you see and feel and touch and taste.
Let it happen, and just be.

Night Queen
She is veiled in the mystery of many ages, the drifting mist is her breath, the shimmer of starlight her eyes and the full moonlight glow her mantle.
When you see her she wraps herself around you, her arms like wings stretch to the heavens in all directions.
Her mind a collective consciousness and ancient wisdom that is the spirit that birthed your being.
She thought of you before you were born and held in her outstretched hand a tiny atom.
And in that moment to create all moments she made you with one soft and gentle breath.
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